The After Master’s

Life after a Master’s degree.

The immediate haze that follows the completion of a Master’s degree can be bewildering. One moment you are high with adrenaline and anxiety attempting to complete a project for submission. The next moment you have no idea where you are, what just happened, or what you are supposed to do now.
In this post, I attempt to orientate my thoughts and plans for life after a Master’s.

Ten Months

The past ten months have been a blur.

September 2020 to July 2021 was spent in my spare room attending online lectures and working on projects and assignments.

But in mid-July, with a dazzling anticlimax, I submitted the final MA project and rejoined civilisation. Just in time for the country to reopen from the most severe lockdown we have seen (so far) in this pandemic.

In the midst of ‘summer holidays’ with a lack of a normal routine, I am attempting to remember what I used to do instead of study?

What now?

Thankfully, I have work lined up with a past Web design client looking to create an eLearning course.

I am looking forward to using what I have learned in practice. Implementing ADDIE and completing needs assessments in the real world should be more enjoyable than the hypothetical situations presented in college assignments.

I also hope to create online training for my Web design clients to help them use their Web site. In time the training will become part of the service.

Additionally, I will be throwing CVs at job postings like ninja stars.

Open for Business

I haven’t been able to take any extra Web clients since last September. But with college over, just like Ireland, I am once again open for business!

Thoughts on Technical Communication

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Technically, I write

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maybe notions

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Technically, this is writing

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Reflections of Technical Communications

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